The Height of Passion, Remembered - Ventura, CA
Completed: December 2008
Description: Decorated wooden chair
Located: Privately acquisitioned via auction at Four Points Sheraton, Ventura Harbor on March 14, 2009.
Funding: As a contributing member of the Ventura Arts Community to benifit the Ventura Music Festival.
Details: The 2009 'Musical Chairs Project' consists of 15 Ventura artists painting 15 unfinished chairs. The 2009 festival theme was "Ruskaya", drawing inspiration from Russian music and iconography.
The theme of Susan Krieg's chair is "Russian Passion" and consists of a collage of vibrant imagery using paint, fabric, beads, and composition leaf. Inherent in this theme of passion lays the dichotomy of intense happiness and intense sorrow, whereby Susan incorporated words, music and art of Scriabin, Dostoevky and Vasnetsov along with visual elements of folk art, architcture and Russian design.
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